USER-CHI. innovative solutions for USER centric CHarging Infrastructure

USER-CHI will unlock the massive potential of electromobility in Europe by improving the user experience of Electrical Vehicles (EV) drivers and making it financially attractive for the relevant private and public actors. This will be achieved by integrating innovative charging technologies, putting the user at the centre, exploiting synergies between electromobility and smartification and integrating new technological tools, business models and regulatory measures.


USER-CHI plans an active collaboration between industry, cities and citizens in order to co-create and demonstrate a set of solutions and tools to foster the massive deployment and market acceptance of electric vehicles in Europe by:

1. Optimising the design of charging networks with a user centric approach.

2. Deploying an interoperability framework and platform.

3. Enhancing scalable infrastructure roll out by means of smart grid integration.

4. Developing innovative and highly-convenient charging systems for a higher market acceptance.

5. Co-designing and demonstrating novel and sustainable business and market models.

6. Defining legal and regulatory recommendations for a massive deployment of electric vehicles.

USER-CHI will boost a large-scale e-mobility market take up in Europe, by means of developing integrated smart solutions, novel business models and new regulatory framework conditions, which will be demonstrated and validated in 5 urban areas all along the European territory: Barcelona metropolitan area (Spain), Rome (Italy), Berlin (Germany), Budapest (Hungary), and Turku (Finland). These 5 sites act as connecting nodes of the key Mediterranean and Scandinavian-Mediterranean TEN-T corridors, while their different sizes, complementary contexts and e-mobility maturity level offer a holistic view of e-mobility in Europe, facilitating the scalability and replicability of the demonstrated solutions.

Since large scale replication and transferability of USER-CHI results is one of the cornerstones of the project strategy, a replication city has been included in each of the TEN-T corridors involved in the project: Murcia (Spain) in Mediterranean corridor and Florence (Italy) in Scandinavian-Mediterranean corridor. This, together with the involvement of EUR and CIT will maximise the project impact even after its completion.

The 7 USER-CHI demo and replication sites will involve more than 27,000 electrical vehicles (EVs) and 1,800 electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSEs).

Collaborating companies


Electrical vehicle




Smart grid

Smart city







Instituto de Biomecánica, IBV (ES)

Área Metropolitana de Barcelona (ES)

Budapest Fovaros Onkormanyzata (HU)

Gewobag Wohnungsbau - Aktiengesellschaft Berlin (DE)

VMZ Berlin Betriebergesellschaft MBH (DE)

Institut fur Klimaschutz Energie und Mobilitat - Recht, Okonomie und Politik EV, IKEM (DE)

Eurocities ASBL (BE)

Roma Servizi per la Mobilita SRL (IT)

FIT Consulting SRL (IT)

Agenzia Nazionale per le Nuove Tecnologie, l'Energia e lo Sviluppo Economico Sostenibile (IT)

Digital System Integrator (IT)

Axpo Energy Solutions Italia S.p.A. (IT)

IPT Technology GmbH (DE)

City of Turku (FI)

Oy Turku Energia-Abo Energi Ab (FI)

TVT Asunnot Oy (FI)

Varsinais-Suomen Asumisoikeus Oy (FI)


Qwicc GmbH (DE)

Comune di Firenze (IT)

Ayuntamiento de Murcia (ES)

Asociación Española de Normalización (ES)

Cities Forum SLU (ES)

USER CHI partners


Duration and reference no.

Start date: 01-02-2020
End date: 31-01-2024
Project reference no.: Grant Agreement Nº 875187

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº 875187 UE