Privacy Policy
The owner of this website is ASOCIACIÓN INSTITUTO DE BIOMECÁNICA DE VALENCIA, as well as the data controller of personal data supplied by its users.
The treatment of personal data that is carried out through this Website observes the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, General Data Protection, in Spanish Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, Protection of Personal Data and with the appropriate technical and organizational security measures to guarantee a level of security appropriate to the risk of the treatment.
Information on data protection
If the user decides to request information on our Website, the data strictly necessary to achieve the purpose for which our Website is intended will be requested, which is the information and promotion of our services, all of which are available on our Website. In no case will they be used for purposes other than those for which they have been voluntarily entered on the Web.
The personal data that the user provides us will be processed, having been informed of the purposes of the treatment and other information in advance by clicking on the button intended to process the form that is being completed, if applicable..
Those who voluntarily provide their data to the owner of the Web by any of the means established for that purpose at all times, have had at their disposal in a transparent and clear way, having clicked on the corresponding box, the following aspects:
The data controller is ASOCIACIÓN INSTITUTO DE BIOMECÁNICA DE VALENCIA, address at Universitat Politécnica de Valencia, Camino de Vera s/n, edif. 9C, 46022 Valencia, Spain and VAT number ES-G96361555. The contact telephone number is +34961111170, the contact email is Contact details of the Data Protection Officer If you wish to exercise your data protection rights, you can contact
The PURPOSES of the treatment are the following:
- the management of the request, request or query, and the maintenance of relations between the Web and its users.
- Unequivocal authorization that the data provided can be used to send you, by any means of communication, including electronic ones, commercial communications, with information of interest, and reminder communications, provided that you have checked the corresponding box or have stated, by any means, of unequivocally your authorization.
- contract or buy any of the products or services offered by the Web
- participation in web programs or projects by users, associates, clients or volunteers
- request to join IBV projects and to participate in open recruitment offers
- request to join the IBV or to participate in the adhesion process
- information for the use of cookies for specific and specific purposes reported at all times in this privacy policy.
The LEGAL BASIS for the treatment is based on the established relationship, on compliance with legal obligations and on your unequivocal consent, if it has been provided. In the case of company contact persons, the legal basis is legitimate interest. We inform you that you can revoke your consent at any time, through an easy and simple means.
We guarantee your RIGHTS to access, rectify or delete your data, as well as your right of limitation or portability.
We inform you that we WILL KEEP your data during the term of the contract and after its termination, in the case that it is determined by the Law while the conservation obligation lasts and during the limitation period of the corresponding actions. WE WILL KEEP your data in the event that the legal basis is consent as long as you do not revoke your authorization or do not oppose the treatment, and once it is revoked, it will be set according to the criterion of exhausting the limitation periods of actions. WE WILL KEEP your data in the case of legitimate interest as long as said interest lasts and you have not opposed the treatment.
The RECIPIENTS of your data in the case of purchases through the web may be banks or tax administration in case it is necessary or required by law. Otherwise, third party recipients of your data are not foreseen.
Information about users
We do record your IP (Internet Protocol) data assigned to the subscriber who owns the telephone line at the time of connection with this website, for the purpose of security and collaboration with the Justice. The data will be kept by the service provider for the time set by current legislation.
Rights of Access, Rectification, Opposition, Suppression, Limitation, unless they are subject to automated decisions and Portability
At any time, the user has the right to access their information, to rectify it if their data is wrong, to oppose any type of treatment associated with the maintenance of the contractual relationship, to revoke the consent granted, to request the limitation or deletion of its treatment, not to be subjected to automated decisions, and to unsubscribe from the services of ASOCIACIÓN INSTITUTO DE BIOMECÁNICA DE VALENCIA
These rights can be made effective after accreditation of the personality in the forms and within the terms established in the General Data Protection Regulation, by writing to the postal or electronic address that appears in this privacy policy.
The processing of personal data and the sending of communications by electronic means, where appropriate, are adjusted to the regulations established in the General Data Protection Regulations, Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on Data Protection Personal and in Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce.
Remaining information on data protection related to videoconferences, video calls, virtual workshops, webinars, lectures and / or any online meeting of the Institute of Biomechanics of Valencia:
Data controller: The entity Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia (hereinafter IBV) with address at Camino de Vera s/n, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Edificio 9c, 46022 Valencia (Spain), telephone number +34961111170, and contact email address
Contact details of the Data Protection Officer:
Purposes of the treatment: participation in video conferences, video calls, virtual workshops, webinars, lectures and / or any online meeting of the Institute of Biomechanics of Valencia. If you authorize, they will be used by the IBV to send you communications about the activities of the IBV. In case you authorize, they will be transferred by the IBV to the rest of the entities participating in the workshop for the sending of communications on your part, for the promotion of their activities.
Legal basis of the treatment: The legal basis of the treatment of the data is the contract entered into, compliance with legal obligations, and the unequivocal consent of the Interested Party, if applicable.
Recipients of the data:
Rest of the event organizers for management purposes, and where appropriate for shipments and communications.
The tax administration and banking entities may be recipients, if applicable.
International data transfers: The data of the Interested Party will not be subject to international transfer.
It should be borne in mind that in case of having provided the consent and authorization for the diffusion in RRSS and Web of the entity, said diffusion implies a communication to all those third parties that access the images regardless of the place or territory from which they are accessed to them, which may not guarantee a comparable level of data protection established in the EU.
Data retention period: The personal data of the Interested Party obtained will be kept as long as you do not revoke your consent, and once it has been revoked, where appropriate, the data will be kept during the legal deadlines for the fulfillment of legal obligations and the attention of possible responsibilities..
Rights: access, rectification, cancellation or deletion and opposition, limitation of treatment and portability of personal data, as well as the right to withdraw consent at any time, by sending a written request to the following postal address: Camino de Vera s/n, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Edificio 9c, 46022 Valencia and / or electronics, Providing a copy of your DNI / NIF or valid document in Law to prove your identity. You can file complaints with the supervisory authority.
Prior to submitting said claim to the Spanish Data Protection Agency and on a completely voluntary basis, the Interested Party may contact the IBV Data Protection Officer through the following email address
Remaining data protection information on temperature control in access to the IBV:
Data controller: ASOCIACIÓN INSTITUTO DE BIOMECÁNICA DE VALENCIA with NIF G-96361555 and address at Camino de Vera s/n, Edificio 9-C de 46022 Valencia (Spain). E-mail:
Contact details of the Data protection officer:
Legal basis of the treatment: compliance with a legal obligation derived from the Law on Prevention of Occupational Risks, which is specified in the obligation of the IBV to maintain safety and health at work.
Conservation: data will not be kept.
Recipients: not anticipated.
Rights: You have at your disposal the exercise of access rights including the right to obtain a copy of the personal data subject to treatment, rectification, opposition, deletion or erasure, where appropriate, portability and limitation of treatment, by writing to the data controller the following address: above or by email: You have the right to file a claim with the supervisory authority.
Remaining data protection information on VALENCIA DATA:
Remaining data protection information on INTERNAL INFORMATION SYSTEM LAW 2/2023:
Data controller: ASOCIACIÓN INSTITUTO DE BIOMECÁNICA DE VALENCIA, with registered office at Universitat Politécnica de Valencia, Camino de Vera s/n, edif. 9C, 46022 Valencia, Spain and NIF: G96361555. The contact telephone number is the 961111170, the contact email is
Purposes of processing: management of the internal information system referred to in Law 2/2023, of 20 February.
Legal basis for processing: Compliance with a legal obligation: in the case of internal communication channels, Art. 6.1.c) of the GDPR, 8 of the LOPDGDD, and 11 of Organic Law 7/2021, of 26 May. Mission carried out in the public interest: the processing of personal data derived from a public disclosure, Article 6.1.e) of the GDPR and 11 Organic Law 7/2021. Essential public interest: the processing of special categories of personal data, where applicable, will be carried out on the basis of an essential public interest, Article 9.2.g) of the GDPR.
Contact details of the Data Protection Officer:
Addressees: internal bodies of the ASOCIACIÓN INSTITUTO DE BIOMECÁNICA DE VALENCIA, referring to the HR department or legal department in the event of the need to adopt disciplinary measures against an employee or legal measures in relation to the facts reported in the communication, Judges, Courts, Public Prosecutor’s Office, the designated data processors, the DPO, third parties, when necessary to adopt corrective measures in the entity or the processing of the sanctioning or criminal proceedings that may be appropriate, the competent administrative authority as the case may be.
Retention periods: the period necessary for processing, with the ordinary period being three months. In the event that the information provided is not truthful, and constitutes a criminal offence, it will be kept for the duration of the criminal proceedings. A maximum of ten years may be kept.
Rights: access, deletion, rectification, opposition, limitation, portability, not to be subject to automated decisions, by means of a letter to the internal information channel or to ASOCIACIÓN INSTITUTO DE BIOMECÁNICA DE VALENCIA, with address at Universitat Politécnica de Valencia, Camino de Vera s/n, edif. 9C, 46022 Valencia, Spain and NIF: G96361555. The contact telephone number is 961111170 , the contact email is, addressed to the Head of the Internal Information System who has been appointed.
Additional information: the affected person will be made aware of the actions or omissions attributed to them by the reporting person, and the affected person will be heard at any time (art. 9 Law 2/2023).
External information channel: at the time they are published, information will be provided on these external channels.
Information on the rights and guarantees of the informant:
1. Decide whether you wish to make the communication anonymously or non-anonymously; In the latter case, the confidentiality of the identity of the informant will be guaranteed, so that it is not revealed to third parties. If you submit the information anonymously, we recommend that the description of the information provided does not indicate personal data that can identify you.
2. Formulate the communication verbally or in writing.
3º Indicate an address, e-mail or safe place where to receive communications or refuse to receive communications related to this procedure.
4. To exercise the rights conferred on them by the legislation on the protection of personal data.
5. To know that the person affected by the information provided by the informant is going to be informed of the actions or omissions attributed to him by the informant, and is going to be heard.
6. The identity of the informant will in any case be reserved, it will not be communicated to the persons to whom the facts related refer or to third parties.
7th. Personal data that are not necessary for the knowledge or investigation of the actions or omissions reported will be deleted. Personal data that are communicated and that refer to conduct that is not included in the scope of application of Law 2/2023 will be deleted. In these cases, when the information received contains personal data or special categories of data, it will be immediately deleted, without such data being recorded and processed.
8th. Article 63.1.f of Law 2/2023 classifies as a very serious offence “publicly communicating or revealing information knowing that it is false”.