BIENLABOR_2. Developing a global management platform for workers’ health and well-being
This project stems from the scientific and technical knowledge generated in 2017 in the project “Improvement in companies’ competitiveness by evaluating workers’ well-being” (BIENLABOR) and IBV’s experience in field studies and prioritising the needs of users (workers).
This project will update the BIENLABOR platform, broadening its functions and making it a simple global platform for managing health and well-being to help companies focus their operations in order to solve the top priority problems. To do so, as well as carrying out a diagnosis of well-being, it will give priority to the most appropriate action to take depending on the company’s problems and will give both the companies and the workers information and tools to help carry out certain actions, as well as the rules to delegate the steps, getting the workers to adhere. Furthermore, a field study will be carried out in companies, counting on collaboration from companies and experts in detecting aspects that foster health where intervention is needed (health insurance companies, risk prevention departments, etc.).
The project’s specific goals are:
1. To validate the methods for diagnosing and making progress in well-being in the real cases under study in the Valencia Community region by means of the BIENLABOR platform. These case studies will enable a database to be created with indicator values.
2. To set up a procedure to prioritise risk groups of workers and well-being categories in which to intervene according to the diagnosis made with the BIENLABOR platform, as well as the rules for assigning the most suitable interventions taking into account the workers’ characteristics and needs.
3. To validate the procedure for prioritising and assigning interventions in real case studies with companies.
4. To create a repository of recommendations/interventions to improve workers’ health and well-being.
5. To update the platform and validate it in order to ensure a satisfactory user experience for both workers and companies in the Valencia region. Updating the platform will involve implementing the procedure and repository generated in this current project as well as other improvements identified in the BIENLABOR project or in this current project’s field study.
Collaborating companies
Occupational Healthcare
Instituto de Biomecánica (IBV)
Companies cooperating in the project:
Dr. Schneider
Embutidos Martínez
Unión de Mutuas
Pinturas Montó
Duration and reference no.
Start date: 01-01-2018
End date: 31-12-2018
Project reference no.: IMDEEA/2018/70
Its funding was requested in 2018 in the call for aid by the Valencia Business Competitiveness Institute (IVACE) aimed at technological centres in the Valencia Community region for the 2018 tax year, with the support of IVACE (Valencia regional government, Generalitat) and 50% co-funding by the European Union via the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as part of the ERDF’s Operational Programme for the Valencia Community region, with case no. IMDEEA/2018/89.