Improvement of fleet and competitiveness using a decision-making tool to design passenger cabin elements and on-board services based on the quality parameters perceived by the passengers
Air Nostrum is permanently committed to applying and improving its Quality and Environmental Policies. The company’s Quality Policy guides its top goal of achieving the utmost satisfaction among passengers.
In today’s context, the main problem faced by airlines is how to suitably manage their resources in order to adapt the services they provide in such a way that gives greater benefits for both them and their customers. The way to improve the sector’s productivity therefore involves having tools to hone the planning and allocation of resources to provide products and services that meet customers’ needs, expectations and demands well in advance.
The quality of the on-board service as part of the company’s image gives a competitive edge: greater quality in the on-board service means greater passenger satisfaction. Specifically, past studies carried out by AIR NOSTRUM show that the quality of the on-board service is the factor that most influences its passengers’ overall satisfaction.
Even so, one should keep in mind that passenger expectations are varied and can change over time. This calls for great flexibility and hence dynamic organization to respond to each consumer’s individual needs. In short, a great capacity for resource management is needed with repeatable guidelines, while being clearly geared towards customers’ expectations.
That is why this project proposes to develop and validate a system that enables the on-board service to be managed by matching customers’ needs and demands to the resources available as impeccably as possible.
This on-board service management system will make it possible to precisely quantify the impact of the proposed changes from an economic and environmental point of view, meeting the company AIR NOSTRUM’s commitment to quality while maintaining the highest level of passenger satisfaction.
The project’s overall goal entails the following partial goals:
1. To identify the structure of AIR NOSTRUM customers’ perception of the quality of the on-board service, and to create a flexible quality measurement tool based on this structure.
2. To obtain a resource allocation algorithm based on the significance and satisfaction of the factors that have an influence on passengers’ perception of the on-board service quality.
3. To identify passenger clusters and generate customized algorithms for the different clusters in order to tailor the service more personally.
4. To include the tool in AIR NOSTRUM's decision-making processes in order to achieve a greater capacity for resource management in a repeatable way with guidelines geared towards customers’ expectations.

Collaborating companies
Sector:Automotive and Means of Transport
Duration and reference no.
Start date: 01-01-2011
End date: 31-12-2011
Project reference no.: IMIDTF/2011/108

IMPIVA project co-financed by the FEDER Funds as part of the FEDER Operational Programme of the Valencia Community region 2007-2013 IMPIVA in the context of the 2011 Research and Technological Development Programme for Large Companies.