Robotic Platform for Gait Rehabilitation and Training in patients with Cerebral Palsy (CPWALKER)
Cerebral palsy (CP) is a disorder of posture and movement due to a non-progressive lesion in the brain before its development and growth is complete. In order to foster, maintain and rehabilitate such children’s functional capacity, it is necessary to create new strategies that reduce the assistance and dedication required, as well as the economic cost that this condition means for the patient, their carers and society. It is in this context that the CPWalker project has been put forward with the aim of creating new tools to support the therapies considered.
The main aim of the CPWalker is to develop and validate a robotic platform that will enable new rehabilitation therapies to be created for children with CP. This aim will be achieved by developing a robotic platform (intelligent walker + exoskeleton + neuroprosthesis) controlled by a multimodal interface to channel communication between the person with CP and the rehabilitation therapy. The CPWalker concept will encourage early access of CP patients to rehabilitation therapy. It will also increase the intensity and frequency of the rehabilitation exercises, which will enable the therapy to be kept up daily while boosting significant improvements in the outcomes of the treatment.
Collaborating companies
Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
Instituto de Biomecánica (IBV)
Hospital del Niño Jesús
Duration and reference no.
Start date: 01-01-2013
End date: 31-12-2015
Project reference no.: DPI2012-39133-C03-03