WeTakeCare (Collaborative interaction in caring & training to improve the autonomy in Activities of Daily Living)
The We Take Care project aims to bolster collaboration, care and training among elderly people and non-professional carers in order to foster independent life for the elderly.
The We Take Care project aims to bolster collaboration, care and training among elderly people and non-professional carers in order to promote independent life for the elderly.
This fosters autonomy in Activities of Daily Living (ADL) among elderly people, while providing training and support for their carers, thereby improving the quality of assistance and safeguarding the latter’s own physical, physiological state and health at work.
This application’s target population is people over 50 years of age with an initial loss of capacities or a slight-to-moderate physical disability. This loss of capacities makes it more difficult for them to carry out ADLs, which often leads to them doing them poorly. Such tasks thus end up being done by the carer. When the carer does the ADLs for them, this leads to an overcaring situation, ultimately resulting in a decrease in the autonomy of the elderly person and an increase in stress for the carer.
We Take Care develops an interactive, modular system for training in ADLs. It mainly involves software solutions that run on consumer hardware devices (TV, Kinect, Microsoft PC or computer appliance with broadband, and portable devices such as tablets and smartphones). The system’s functions are:
1. ADL exercises controlled by gestures with Kinect.
2. Website platform with courses, workshops and links to the main blogs by carers, forums and social networks.
3. General functionalities such as schedules, communication and TV control.
We Take Care involves the end users at the heart of the process: including their opinion in the phases for defining requirements, product concept and development, and in the different validations. This ensures a functional service that is easy-to-use, intuitive, motivational and accessible, thereby helping the product get accepted and succeed in its market in future.
The format planned to exploit We Take Care is a monthly payment service via telecommunications, helpline and/or medical insurance companies.
Collaborating companies
Coordinator:Instituto de Biomecánica - IBV - Spain
Centro de Producción Multimedia para la Televisión Interactiva S.L. - CPMTI - Spain
Kaasa health GmbH - KAASA- Germany
Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften - ZHAW - Switzerland
Vereinigung aktiver Senioren- und Selbsthilfe-Organisationen der Schweiz - VASOS -Switzerland
Bayard Presse S.A - BAYARD - Spain
Duration and reference no.
Start date: 01-06-2013
End date: 31-05-2016
Project reference no.: AAL-010000-2013-15