– The IBV has been accredited by the International Padel Federation for the certification of padel balls.
– AreYouFine? International course on personal injury assessment based on biomechanical analysis for the improvement of sustainability and effectiveness in health systems.
– Development of a new device for the early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease.
– WAAS/IBV (Whiplash Advanced Analysis System): Whiplash syndrome assessment adapted to the context of traffic accident victims.
– Preliminary results of the InKreate project.
– Development of a virtual driver to analyze potential autonomous vehicle functions.
– IBV innovation in the field of rehabilitation. Collaboration with the European Society of Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine (ESPRM).
– Is it possible to scan a foot in 3D with precision using a smartphone?.
– ErgoCheck. New module of the Ergo/IBV application. Checklist of ergonomic risks.
– fitwork: Good practices to develop physical activity programs at work.