Development of innovative training solutions in the field of functional evaluation aimed at updating of the curricula of health sciences schools
Functional Evaluation (FE is a clinical discipline that emerges and develops in physical medicine and rehabilitation field. FE could be defined as any systematic attempt to measure objectively the level of person's capabilities to develop their function in a wide activities spectre. FE collects the required technologies and methods to assess how people perform daily life activities, focusing on: musculoskeletal system, neurological and cognitive system and social environment. This approach is aligned with The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), which is the WHO framework for measuring health and disability at individual and population levels.
FE is considered a suitable way to face current and future European socio-health challenges because is able, among others, to support the medical diagnosis, to monitor the effectiveness of treatments, to segment and evaluate patients with accurate and objective information related to functional status. These features can contribute to the improvement of health system efficiency in order to properly resource management and will help to face the expected challenges in an integral and synergistic way.
The main and quantifiable aim of the project is to develop a training tool addressed to the health sciences teachers, professionals of higher education sector and decision makers responsible for and influence on curricula definition to be imparted at Health Sciences Schools across European continent. This training tool will base on up-to-date knowledge on FE in sustainable development. A specific innovative training program will be developed taking into account the wide spectra of needs and requirements of health sciences teachers from all over Europe. Hence, it will improve the links and communication between universities, innovation sector, and health professionals across EU countries.
Empresas colaboradoras
Sector:Functional evaluation
Politechnika Slaska (SUT)
Instituto de Biomecánica (IBV)
Universitat de València
Association of Medical Schools in Europe (AMSE)
Duración y referencia
Fecha de inicio: 01-11-2018
Fecha de finalización: 31-10-2020
Referencia del proyecto: 2018-1-PL01-KA203-051084