Development of new extended product-service concepts for children fashion on-line market addressing customer needs (KIDSIZE)

KIDSIZE project will develop an added value service to overcome size assignment and fitting barrier, facilitating the adequate selection of size when buying both online and in normal shops without the presence of the children.


KIDSIZE system will enable to capture the 3D children body shape at home with easy to use, low cost and wide available consumer technology. The optimal size will be proposed according to body shape and growing patterns, being supported by a 3D European children database, covering child measures from 2 to 12 years and pediatric body measures for babies under 2 years, while visualizing fitting.

To reach this goal, the final tool include the following technological developments:

1. System to capture children 3d morphometry at home, accurate and easy to use.

2. Size assigment system and fitting prediction.

3. ASSIGNMENT System Size and prediction of adjustment.

This system, will lead to an increase of the European childrenswear industry competitiveness, withstanding both Low Labour Countries (LLC) competition in brick and mortar stores as well as foreign competition on the e-commerce market.



Empresas colaboradoras


Children's Fashion Europe


Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Productos para la Infancia (ASEPRI)

Nova Child

Sucre d'Orge


Instituto de Biomecánica (IBV)


UK Intelligent Systems Research Institute

Duración y referencia

Fecha de inicio: 01-10-2013
Fecha de finalización: 31-03-2016
Referencia del proyecto: Grant agreement no 606091


Project Funded by European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 606091.

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