SUpporting acceptance of automated VEhicle
While the deployment of connected automated vehicle (CAV) turns into reality, its acceptance has been called into question. Societal issues regarding public acceptance, user awareness and ethics, therefore, become priority concerns. The approach based on the technology push, jeopardizes social viability of innovative technology like CAV, as it creates a gap between the well-thought technical reliability and public acceptance. SUaaVE will solve this gap by leaning on a Human-Driven Design (HDD) approach, enhancing synergies social science, human factors research and automotive market by means of an iterative process of assessment, co-design and prototyping.
The involvement in the project of potential users of CAVs is guaranteed as, during its development, it is foreseen a participatory process that will involve above 4.000 users (passengers, traditional and future drivers, VRU) and 100 experts and stakeholders.
The main outcomes of SUaaVE will be:
1. A new paradigm of automation: ALFRED -Automation Level Four+ Reliable Empathic Driver-. A system to be implemented in the CAVs that will colour the decision-making processes of the CAV with human emotions. It will have:
a. An EMpathY Unit to understand the emotional and cognitive state of the passenger, while taking into account society ethical principles.
b. An Adaptive, Cognitive and Emotional Interface with a set of services (vehicle dynamics, ambient and postural comfort) to enjoy the ride and enhance passenger experience.
2. An immersive Virtual Human Centred Design (V-HCD) platform, allowing the simulation of CAV focused on Human factors to assess their acceptance and speed up market deployment.
3. A guidelines to support Public Authorities, representing a breakthrough in the public acceptance of future CAVs for both the society and, in particular, for all road users. SUaaVE partners will exploit ALFRED and V-HCD platform. Moreover, SUaaVE will contribute to generate new business models based on:
a. Exploitation of personal data where the user is the owner and decide how to exploit it.
b. New adaptive services to user status in real time.
Empresas colaboradoras
Autonomous vehicles
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Driver monitoring
Human centered design
Instituto de Biomecánica - IBV (Spain)
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen - RUG (Netherlands)
Fondation Partenarial Mov'eotec - VED (France)
Idiada Automotive Technology S.A. - IDIADA (Spain)
Technische Universitaet Muenchen - TUM (Germany)
Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux - BORDEAUX INP (France)
Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux - IFSTTAR (France)
Civitec Sarl - CVT (France)
Ficosa Adas S.L. - FICOSA (Spain)
Centro Ricerche Fiat SCPA - CRF (Italy)
Duración y referencia
Fecha de inicio: 01-05-2019
Fecha de finalización: 30-04-2022
Referencia del proyecto: Grant Agreement Nº 814999