USER-CHI. innovative solutions for USER centric CHarging Infrastructure
USER-CHI plans an active collaboration between industry, cities and citizens in order to co-create and demonstrate a set of solutions and tools to foster the massive deployment and market acceptance of electric vehicles in Europe by:
1. Optimising the design of charging networks with a user centric approach.
2. Deploying an interoperability framework and platform.
3. Enhancing scalable infrastructure roll out by means of smart grid integration.
4. Developing innovative and highly-convenient charging systems for a higher market acceptance.
5. Co-designing and demonstrating novel and sustainable business and market models.
6. Defining legal and regulatory recommendations for a massive deployment of electric vehicles.
USER-CHI will boost a large-scale e-mobility market take up in Europe, by means of developing integrated smart solutions, novel business models and new regulatory framework conditions, which will be demonstrated and validated in 5 urban areas all along the European territory: Barcelona metropolitan area (Spain), Rome (Italy), Berlin (Germany), Budapest (Hungary), and Turku (Finland). These 5 sites act as connecting nodes of the key Mediterranean and Scandinavian-Mediterranean TEN-T corridors, while their different sizes, complementary contexts and e-mobility maturity level offer a holistic view of e-mobility in Europe, facilitating the scalability and replicability of the demonstrated solutions.
Since large scale replication and transferability of USER-CHI results is one of the cornerstones of the project strategy, a replication city has been included in each of the TEN-T corridors involved in the project: Murcia (Spain) in Mediterranean corridor and Florence (Italy) in Scandinavian-Mediterranean corridor. This, together with the involvement of EUR and CIT will maximise the project impact even after its completion.

The 7 USER-CHI demo and replication sites will involve more than 27,000 electrical vehicles (EVs) and 1,800 electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSEs).
Empresas colaboradoras
Sectors:Electrical vehicle
Smart grid
Smart city
Instituto de Biomecánica, IBV (ES)
Área Metropolitana de Barcelona (ES)
Budapest Fovaros Onkormanyzata (HU)
Gewobag Wohnungsbau - Aktiengesellschaft Berlin (DE)
VMZ Berlin Betriebergesellschaft MBH (DE)
Institut fur Klimaschutz Energie und Mobilitat - Recht, Okonomie und Politik EV, IKEM (DE)
Eurocities ASBL (BE)
Roma Servizi per la Mobilita SRL (IT)
FIT Consulting SRL (IT)
Agenzia Nazionale per le Nuove Tecnologie, l'Energia e lo Sviluppo Economico Sostenibile (IT)
Digital System Integrator (IT)
Axpo Energy Solutions Italia S.p.A. (IT)
IPT Technology GmbH (DE)
City of Turku (FI)
Oy Turku Energia-Abo Energi Ab (FI)
TVT Asunnot Oy (FI)
Varsinais-Suomen Asumisoikeus Oy (FI)
Qwicc GmbH (DE)
Comune di Firenze (IT)
Ayuntamiento de Murcia (ES)
Asociación Española de Normalización (ES)
Cities Forum SLU (ES)

Duración y referencia
Fecha de inicio: 01-02-2020
Fecha de finalización: 31-01-2024
Referencia del proyecto: Grant Agreement Nº 875187